четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

file reducer

Mercury is finally direct. I donapos;t usually have issues with Mercury going retrograde but this cycle was particularly harsh - it even ended a friendship due to icky communication Iapos;m glad to see it over From astrology.com:

If your realms of communication and transportation appear to be on temporary hold, the main culprit is Mercury motionless. While it is not proper to blame a planet for a human difficulty, the ancient adage of astrology runs as follows -- as above, so below or whatapos;s true in the macrocosm is reflected in truth in the microcosm. Therefore, a celestial event can equate with a resonance on Earth, in humanity and within millions of human lives and relationships. Knowing how this works and when this occurs can save you a lot of emotional anguish and mental consternation. Before focusing on the key event of the day -- Mercury stopping its retrograde motion and turning forward (8 degrees of Libra at 1:07PM PDT) -- be aware that the Moon enters Taurus, the sign of its exaltation, at 2:32AM PDT (following a brief void cycle beginning at 12:37AM PDT). The lunar orb in earthy, rock-solid Taurus can assist you in dealing with financial matters and being more pragmatic as an entrepreneur. By the time Mercury officially changes gears from reverse to forward (1:07PM PDT), you will want to be focused on many of the key mercurial themes -- words and language, messages and information exchange, classes and conferences, the media and journalism, literary and educational pursuits, travel plans and transportation, mind-body and hand-eye coordination, health and diet, nutrition and medicine, wind and weather changes, doubts and worries, theft and lies. Mercury remains in direct motion until January 11, 2009 when it will once again go retrograde at 8 degrees of Aquarius for a three-week cycle. Even though Mercury is officially out of its retrograde cycle by 1:07PM PDT today and for the several hours thereafter, it is important to realize that this planet will not really pick up any real motion for 24-48 hours. Therefore, keep a low profile on the business front until the coast is clearer and you really know the universe is giving you a green light. Make sure your valuables and investments are safe and secure while the Moon makes its monthly union with Vesta (7:46PM PDT).

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