суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

bank money market rate

Sorry, I promised a late Friday-reflection post but failed miserably. Reason is that I just had too good a sleep to start the day of, ha ha. No, really.

I had a good ten ten hour sleep, which was absolute heaven. The contrast of the rigorous activities and my soft bed saw to that. I woke up with a very good mood. As a result I absolutely took the day as easy as I can. I did nothing but lie down on my bed, watch TV, and play games all day.It was one of those lazier days, to be sure.

Everything went nicely today, too. My playing was great, better than itapos;s been for a long time. Barely any frustrations came about throughout. Thatapos;s why even until now Iapos;m in a good mood. Iapos;m actually sad that �I have to go to sleep now. I have to wake up early tomorrow. Tomorrow morning I have a scrim with our clan, and I spent a good part of the day practicing.

Anyway, tomorrow is work day. I havenapos;t thought of any work today whatsoever, another secret to my happiness. But tomorrow Iapos;m sure I�have a lot to do. If Iapos;m lucky then there isnapos;t. I still refuse, even up apos;till now, to think of work, so Iapos;ll leave that for tomorrow, apos;kay?

Respite gooood...

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