воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

c training course

After not updating since February, I ws told to begin this entry this way:

"Wow, havenapos;t updated in a while A lot has changed."

I work at the Peopleapos;s Food Co-operative these days. It only pays about half what I was getting at WF, but itapos;s a non-profit job, not a corporation. I feel good about that. I walk and ride the bus more. I still live in the Elky Noir, but now in room 1. Iapos;m dating a housemate named Cat, and things are going really well. Iapos;ve written a lot of new music (se my myspace, if youapos;d like: search "Damien Goodchild" under the music section). Iapos;ve been playing violin, piano, harp, ukelele and theramin. Iapos;ve been following the presidential race obsessively.

And Iapos;m getting things together to start going to school again. I want to go into Journalism and Broadcasting with maybe a minor in music education. Iapos;d love to be a correspondant for NPR. Or a high-school music teacher or even a music professor at the college level (which I suppose would require a PhD?)

Anyway, folks, I might try to keep updating this more. Or you know I might not. Weapos;ll see.

Please vote on November 4th. Pretty please?
c training course, c training course london, c training courses, c training london.

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