понедельник, 13 октября 2008 г.

behavior in organizations

Yeah, the above-mentioned movie is really good, but thatapos;s not what Iapos;m referring to. My GF went back to France today, which is a little depressing. She was just here for three weeks, and not knowing when I will see her next kind of (well, more than kind of) sucks. But, I think our relationship is going really well, so Iapos;m not too worried about it. Sheapos;s great.

I got a new bike on Thursday. Itapos;s a Kilo TT (yes, I know), but itapos;s only a going out at night bike, so itapos;s OK. Iapos;d really been wanting a bike I wonapos;t mind getting a little scratched up when going out, and I think the Kilo TT was the perfect choice. Itapos;s actually in the shop right now, getting new cranks, a chainring, bottom bracket, pedals, bars, grips, etc. I ended up spending more on the new parts than I originally spent on the complete bike, which kind of sucks, but itapos;s damn near impossible to find one of those frames by itself.

Oh, I love this band called Hey Monday, and I got a mention in the booklet of the new Lucinda album, which is really fucking cool.

Bed soon.
behavior in organizations, behavior in organizational workplace, behavior in organizational trend, behavior in organizational research, behavior in organization.

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