понедельник, 13 октября 2008 г.

certified emergency nurse

So everyone chipped in and we bought a turkey and all the fixings to make a thanksgiving dinner. We also decided to make it tonight instead of tomorrow because more of us work on Monday and no one wants to have to spend so much time cooking after working. When no one was looking Sporty stuffed the turkey with some sort of apricot date stuffing... Which the other three of us have voted was the stupidest thing because we donapos;t like fruit in our stuffing... Sadly there wasnapos;t enough ingredients left over to make a big batch of normal stuffing so the three of us only have this tiny little bit of normal stuff. Oh the sadness especially since I�like leftover stuffing sandwiches just as much as left over turkey sandwiches... We barely have enough to split into one helping for three. All that aside I�came home from work today to the Other Lyle (the one that is away for work a lot and an ex-skinhead) was laughing his butt off.... Which is kinda scary to be honest.... When I�asked what was up they old me the turkey wouldnapos;t be ready for hours... Apparently the three of them miscalculated the time:pound ratio and instead of taking 4hrs itapos;s going to take 9.... So around 1-2AM the turkey will be done...

I�wonder if this is what itapos;s like for a lot of people. This just might be my most realistic thanksgiving yet. We all have to band together to get the turkey done and already weapos;ve slotted down basting shifts and are caffeine loading. Itapos;s going to be a long night.

cosmos travels dallas, certified emergency nurse.

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