воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

cat heat relieve

So, a lot has been going on. More layoffs at work, which I�wasnapos;t included in, thankfully. That doesnapos;t mean Iapos;m not concerned, because one of my best friends got let go. Sheapos;s doing much better now, though.

In fact, I knew sheapos;d been struggling with work for a while. She hated it there and she was considering a career change, but the current economic situation discourages any change in career these days. But, I was worried about how upset she was, so I brought it up to my Sunday School class. So, we prayed God would give her some direction and peace about it. AND she was fired (laid off) the following Friday. God certainly does work in mysterious ways. Turns out, with unemployment, sheapos;s coming out better since she cancelled daycare and is staying home with her baby. So, praise the Lord

In other news, Tsukasaapos;s sister, Kagami finally showed up, but I�havenapos;t had a chance to take pictures of the celebration that ensued. Rest assured, and Jill can attest to this, the party was cute beyond measure.

I finished two seasons of Initial D in less than a month. I really like it, despite itapos;s obvious flaws. Made me wanna fix up my car, which really only meant putting new bulbs in the fog lamps and waxing her. I�had to fix the Mass Airflow Sensor to pass inspection, which was an expense I couldnapos;t afford, but I�had to do it . . .�

Went to the beach over the weekend. My Mom retired, so we had a little getaway, just the family. It was very relaxing. Go to my Flickr to see pictures from the trip. Unfortunately, there was some trash on my lens or mirror, so every picture had some dust or spots.�

I�gave my Mom a painting for her birthday. Check it out here:


After discussing painting with Cody, Iapos;ve decided I need to seriously pursue a side business of painting. Heapos;s convinced I can sell them and he may be right.

Iapos;m on Facebook now. Itapos;s addictive. Maybe Iapos;ll finish doing something on My Space, too . . . Post some of my music. Which I need to record more of, Iapos;ve been told

Thatapos;s all for now.

erin browning, cat heat relieve, cat heat stroke, cat heat symptom.

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